As parliament reconvenes today, The Canadian Youth Climate Coalition is reminding politicians that climate change is a top priority for communities across the nation. Earlier this year, the CYCC, consulting 1100 members from coast to coast, created a task list for politicians to swiftly transition into a just and sustainable future. This task list outlines demands from the youth climate movement, including a rapid shift to a green economy, intergenerational cooperation, recognition of the critical role of youth in creating climate change mitigation and adaption plans, and an immediate stop to the expansion of the oil and gas industry.
“We created this series of demands and have shared it through our networks to strengthen the connections between front line communities and climate organizations, and to show politicians that Canadian youth are united in our call for real, effective climate action,” says CYCC volunteer Gabrielle Arkett.
“We’ve sent our demands to community groups across the country, to our partners and allies, and to all 308 members of parliament,” says Arkett. “We're bringing the voice of the people directly to their representatives, and creating a critical dialogue about cooperation on the road to climate justice.” These demands have been endorsed by the Indigenous Environmental Network, KAIROS, the Canadian Labour Congress, the Polaris Institute, Council of Canadian’s chair Maude Barlow, David Suzuki, and founder of, Bill McKibben.
Volunteers have been engaging with their Members of Parliament to register their concerns through the federal government.
“CYCC members across Canada have also been meeting with their MPs to discuss the demands and their implication, and we’re looking forward to continuing to engage our federal representatives in this way,” says Arkett, “We’ve gained the support of MPs from 3 parties so far, and we’re hopeful that we can continue to effectively raise our issues through these democratic channels.”
In response to the CYCC’s demands, Bill McKibben, founder of, says “I look forward to working with the CYCC in many ways going forward–and I congratulate you on beginning with justice, which is precisely where this conversation should start!”
See the CYCC’s demands and supporters at