That's right – there is only one week left to get your applications in for the 2012 Environmental Employers of the Year Awards!
It's easy – just click here and enter or nominate your company now.
All applications and nominations must be submitted by December 1st, 2011.
Why should you get involved?
While this is a competition, the Environmental Employers of the Year Awards allow a company to measure and improve employee satisfaction, thereby increasing overall workplace satisfaction and performance while decreasing the costs of recruiting and training new staff. It is truly a win-win for environmental companies and practitioners alike.
As part of the application process, your company will receive a personalizedEmployee Engagement Report for free!
It will help your company:
- Identify HR challenges
- Discover areas for improvement
- Bring management and staff together to improve HR practices
- Create an effective HR cycle to ensure employee retention
If you have any questions or need help, don't hesitate to contact me. I wish you all the best of luck with your applications.